Finn and the Bell

Past event
Dec 5, 2021, 4 to 4:15 PM

Special Listening Event: Finn and the Bell, this Sunday at 4pm EST on Vermont Public Radio, hosted by Jane Lindholm.

Finn Rooney killed himself on January 3, 2020 in the afternoon after school, at his house in Walden, Vermont. But this isn't a story about suicide, or not exactly. It's a story about a boy called Finn who loved to fish and play baseball and write poetry...and it's about what happens to a small Vermont community as it grieves together after an unspeakable loss.

Finn loved events that brought different parts of a community together, all at the same time. He loved a bonfire where everybody came. Our hope is that Sunday's show will do just that. Following the show, Jane will talk with Rumble Strip producer Erica Heilman and Finn's mother, Tara Reese, about the making of the story. You are encouraged to write in with your reactions after the show. We would love to hear from you.

Call sign - Frequency - City
• WVBA - 88.9 FM - Brattleboro
• WVPS - 107.9 FM - Burlington
• WRVT - 88.7 FM - Rutland
• WVPA - 88.5 FM - St. Johnsbury

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