Simply Rubbish CSWD is Doing the Good Work

Mar 13, 2025, 6 PM

All winter long, the team at CSWD has held monthly webinars with one goal in mind: helping Vermonters reduce the amount of trash that goes into the state's only landfill.

Don't miss the final session in CSWD's Winter Webinar Series coming up next week! "Wasted Food: Feeding People, Not Landfills" will explore practical ways to prevent food waste before it starts and how to redirect surplus food to those in need.

Tune in to learn simple, impactful strategies that can help you save money, reduce waste, and support your community. This is a great opportunity to keep food out of landfills and put it where it belongs—on people's plates!

📅 March 13 – 6pm
💻 Register here:

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