Next Paine Mountain School Board Meeting Nov. 17

Past event
Nov 17, 2021, 6 PM

The next Paine Mountain School District board meeting will be held in the Northfield Middle High School library on Wednesday, 11/17 at 6pm. Join us in-person or virtually.

Agenda packet and meeting link:

Agenda items include a COVID update, budget presentation, and a discussion regarding GPA and high school transcripts.


With the implementation of Act 77 across the state of Vermont, school districts were tasked with the responsibility of implementing proficiency based learning in our schools. At that time, the grading system was modified from a traditional A,B,C,D,F scale to a four point grading scale. This change resulted in the loss of using a standard Grade Point Average (GPA) as a measure of student progress. On Wednesday, November 17, the Paine Mountain School Board will meet to discuss the current grading system and make a decision whether to use a conversion chart to translate our current grading system back into a GPA format for college transcripts. Parents who would like to provide input on these proposed changes are invited to attendthe PMSD board meeting on November 17, at 6pm in the Northfield Middle High School Library.

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