Warning – Special Meeting Calais Design Advisory Board Public Hearing, October 22, 2021, 4:00 pm Oct 22, 2021
The Calais Design Advisory Board will hold a site visit/public hearing in accordance with 24 V.S.A.§§ 4384(d) and 4444 (Public Hearing Notice) for the purpose of reviewing current conditions and proposed work at Robinson Cemetery and Old West Church Cemetery. Tuesday, October 22, at 4 p.m. at the Robinson Cemetery. Following the Robinson Cemetery review, the meeting will move to Old West Church Cemetery.
1. Additions to Agenda
2. Review existing conditions and proposals at the Robinson Cemetery fence
3. Move meeting to Old West Church Cemetery (4:30?) to review existing conditions and proposals at the Old West Church Cemetery fence, Old West Church Road. Discuss Calais Cemetery Commission fence proposals in Old West Church vestibule if weather makes continuing outside meeting impractical
4. Other business:
a. Consider future site visit to 1164 Kent Hill Road
b. Election of officers
c. Consider a time and date to review "DAB lite" process and DAB informal review protocols
NEXT MEETINGS: possible continuation of October 22 meeting to regularly warned Cemetery Commission meeting, October 27 at Town Hall
Feb 6, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
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