Remote Conversation with Brattleboro Legislators

Past event
Apr 11, 2020, 9 to 10 AM

Your three Brattleboro Representatives are hosting weekly meetings via the web. If you would like to join Rep Burke, Rep Toleno, and Rep Kornheiser:

Click to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting
One tap for mobile: +16465588656,,8916240279#
Dial by fingers on landline: +1 646 558 8656 (Meeting ID: 891 624 0279)

We will be recording the meetings and posting them to youtube and BCTV.

Additionally, the following was sent out to all media outlets by the Windham County Legislative Delegation:

Your Windham County legislators want you to know that we are taking the COVID 19 situation very seriously, and are continuing our work, while at home. We are in regular communication with legislative leaders, the Administration, each other and you, our constituents.

During this time it is so important to watch out for each other, so, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us if we can be of any help during this State of Emergency.

While we are not in Montpelier, we have continued our work together to advance a package of bills to put us on a strong footing as we meet the public health and economic challenge of this crisis. State and local municipal governments are working to protect the vulnerable, limiting the spread of infection and maintaining public health and safety.

The Legislature is also working closely with the Governor’s office and our Federal Delegation in DC, to ensure we are all working in harmony to help Vermonters weather this crisis.

The community spread of COVID-19 that we’re now seeing puts us at a tipping point to reduce or amplify infection. The health of our state and the success of our healthcare system in treating this pandemic is now up to us. Please model good behavior by staying home except for absolutely necessary outings, and practice thorough and frequent hand washing. Collectively, we have the power to slow the spread and flatten the curve.

Together we will get through this. During this time we, as your legislators, are accessible. There are many ways to find and access services or get questions answered in this publication and elsewhere. However, if you have a need for service or a question you can’t find help for, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.

Stay healthy and be well!

Sen.Jeanette White. 802-387-4379
Sen. Becca Balint. 802-365-1060

Windham 1 Vernon-Guilford
Sara Coffey. 802-257-0288

Windham 2-1. Brattleboro
Emilie Kornheiser. 802-246-1213

Windham 2-2. Brattleboro
Mollie Burke. 802-257-4844

Windham 2-3. Brattleboro
Tristan Toleno. 802-579-5511

WIndham 3 Athens-Brookline,Grafton,Rockingham, North Westminster, Windham
Carolyn Patridge. 802-258-7047

Windham 4, Dummerston, Putney, Westminster
Nader Hashim. 802-490-5823
Mike Mrowicki. 802-387-8787

Windham 5- Marlboro,Newfane, Townshend
Emily Long. 802-365-7360.

Windham 6- Wilmington,WHitingham, Halifax
John Gannon. 802-490-4327

Windham-Bennington-Windsor: Weston,Londonderry,Winhall,Jamaica,Stratton
Kelly Pajala. 802-770-4987

Windham-Bennington:Dover, Readsboro,Stamford,Searsburg, Somerset,Wardsboro
Laura Sibilia. 802 384 0233

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