7th & 8th Grade Weekly Teen Group

Past event
Oct 21, 2021, 3:30 to 5 PM

Hannah's House invites all 7th & 8th graders of HUUSD to CHILL together on Thursdays, Oct. 21 - Nov. 18 from 3:30-5pm at the CBMS library. This is designed for youth wanting to connect, share and explore new tools to handle the many stressors of middle school life. Sheryl Kurland-Platt Ed.M.* will facilitate and snacks will be provided.

Come CHILL ~ create ~ help ~ include ~ learn ~ laugh

Please register your student with Chrissy at Hannah's House 802-496-9715 or reply to this posting. This program is sponsored by Hannah's House and is free to all.

*Sheryl Kurland-Platt, Ed.M. is an educator, Social Emotional, Mindfulness and Yoga Coach and Teacher. She works with Children, Youth, Families, Caregivers and Educators.

She lives in the mountains of Warren with her family and their dog Ruby.

Hannah's House offers free programming to the community because of your support. It's easy to donate: https://www.hannahshousevt.org/contact/donate/

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