Small Garage Sale: 2451 Horn of the Moon Rd. E. Montpelier (1 mi. from VT Rte 12) Sat., 8/28/21, 9 – 2.
Matls: Hardware cloth. ¼" 24" x 72", ¼" and ½" 36" x 48"
Tyvek 3' x 7'; Acrylic Caulk; Flashing 20", 6"; Acrylic sheet pieces; sheet metal 24" x 28"; Steel round stock ~ 3/16" x ~ 15'; 6"; stove pipe, 34", 18" 24", 11"; Architectural glass blocks, 8" x 8" x 4" (nominal)
Garden: Chicken Wire: 36" x 60", 24" x 25+; Cedar Posts: 9@8', 2@6', 2@5'; Tomato cages; Single row seed plow w/ 10 seed discs; Electric Fence metal wire, (AC) charger, wood post plastic nobs, insul'd handle; Wood-handled hay scythe; Window boxes; Soil Sieves (wood-framed1/2" hdwe. cloth: 30" x 48", 12"x12")
Heat: Electric space heater, Titan 1500W, 12 Amp, two stage w/ fan; Kerosene heater; Electric fan, table top metal; kero cans: 2 ½, 5 gal.; Pipe heat tape, cord
Hdwe; small scissor-type clamps; "Drain King # 750" drain unclogger; Canvas sewing awl; leather tool belt hanger
Auto: Oil change pans, metal, plastic; chains for 195/75 SR14 (2wd Tacoma) Foot air pump
Kitchen: Counter-top elec. grill; 2 cup coffee maker; Water goblet set of 8; syrup pitcher; canning rings; coffee mugs; under-shelf cup rack
Music: Harmonicas, Kazoo, student Melodica
Camping: BSA cook kit; Coleman lantern; stove, (both white gas)
Bed: Air mattress, 39" x 72" x 5" Inflates w/ vac. cleaner; "convoluted" foam pad
Twinbed mahogany hdbrd. w/castered box spring supports; 30" x 72" straw mat
Elec'l: Indoor tv antenna ("HD ready"); cables, wire, jacks, Earphones (corded)
34' 12/2 grounded ext. cord w/ ground fault outlet; 5-outlet grounded power strip
Misc.: Packing tape gun; Eveready 6volt lantern; Dog control collar; Chair casters; metal lamp shades
Mar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
March 12 Panel: Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns CaseMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Brunch at the Senior CenterMar 13, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM