Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

Past event
Aug 28, 2021, 10:30 AM to 6 PM

Hello All!
This weekend I am opening up my house to sell the rest of our stuff! Saturday and Sunday 10-6. If you would like to come Friday evening, please email me.

Address: 36 State Drive #201

*Kitchen stuff (toaster oven new this year, mini muffin tins, chocolate molds, dishes, Cuisinart, etc.)
**Small Dining room Table hand painted, matching high chairs
**Antique dresser with Glass top
*Small shelving unit (Ontop of desk style)
**Very nice $200 outer space rug 5x8' for less than that
*Regular off white 'city shag' carpet 5x7
*Kids hand painted workshop desk
*Twin Mattress (free and fine)
*Stuffed animals
*Workshop lights
**Antique Vanity desk w. Glass top
**Super awesome old writing desk (Unique and rugged)
***King Size Lucid Dream Mattress (Need to Keep until the first)
*Bedside Tables
*End couch tables
***Canon 7D camera in great condition!!
**Small Harp
*Many beautiful scarves
*3 seat couch (free and awesome low key native americal print)
**Glider rocker W/glider foot stool
**3 Season ALPS tent in great condition
*Tea pots
**Medicine Drum
**Shruti Box
**Rain Stick
*Lots of Yarn and millions of needles
**Mayan Wall hangings
*Flower vases
*Statues and Trinquetts
***VERY nice Massage Table
**Hiking Backpacks
*Furniture paint set up (Chalked)
*Christmas decorations
*10x10 outdoor market tent
*Craft supplies
*Kids clothes
*Mom Clothes (Unique)
*Purple Sari
*Beautiful Balinesian Pants (need mending)
*One of a kind Hand beaded Red skirt, I brought back from Rome
**Super heavy duty Mortar and pestle
*80's Tesla Globe
*Tinctures and medicines I am not bringing
*Things that hang and glitter
*Glass Jars WITH lids
**My beautiful Bulk Herb set up (Includes homemade shelves that fit them perfectly...
*Swimming floatie and Boogie Board
*Gardening tools Used ONCE
*Lg. Steel Shower Cady
*Sewing fabrics
*Lots of winter hats and scarves (Kid and Mom)
***Large BenQ Monitor for photo editing
***Sound Studio Equipment (New this year)
Scarlet i4, Monitors w/ blue tooth, Pro Headphones, Pro Condensor mic with pop filter and Stand, KeyLab49 Midi, *Key board stool, Cords galore, Small Amp.

Some Extra-Ordinary things and some completely ordinary.
Please stop by, literally everything has to go by the First of September.

*Full Disclosure;
I am absolutely *not* greedy, but you should know that every dime from selling our things goes to replacing our necessities. So for the obvious items of quality, I ask that you keep that in mind. :)

Thanks so much! Hope to see you this weekend! Please feel encouraged to reach out

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