When: Aug 10, 2021, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Move over Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson while Pack 536 launches model rockets Tuesday August 10, 3:30- 5:30 pm at the recreation field next to Mary Hogan. This is a free event with launch times at 4:00 and again at 5:00. Scouting offers year round programming for all Children K-5 and young adults grades 6-12 (boys and girls). Come learn what the adventure is all about! Middlebury Pack and Troop 536 welcomes all area residents to join Scouting. Learn life skills, enjoy exploring with old friends and make new friends! Camping, archery, fishing, pinewood derby and of course rocket science are just some of the activities we offer to our Cub Scouts (K-5). Scouting (6-12) uses the outdoors to teach young adults character development, citizenship, personal fitness, and leadership skills. Enroll at any grade and any time of year to start the fun.
Free – and open to the public!
Tuesday 8/10/21 3:30pm – 5:30pm
On the fields behind Mary Hogan
Questions: heidi7bubble@gmail.com
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