For any poets out there--feel free to spread the word: The Sundog Poetry Center is happy to announce a one-day outdoor poetry writing retreat at Fielder Farm in Huntington, VT. Workshop Facilitators: Rebecca Starks, Chard DeNiord, Frances Cannon, Neil Shepard, and Mary Jane Dickerson
Theme: Poetry & the Environment
Participants will have the opportunity to explore poetry and the environment from various angles: social justice and nature poetry, plant-human communication, the changing landscape of the environment through both celebration and elegy, ecological poetry, and nature-themed visual poems. Workshop leaders will provide a packet of poems and resources, writing prompts, free writing time, and two small-group workshops to provide feedback on the two poems each participant may submit by August 9. There will be time to walk around and enjoy the stunning Fielder Farm grounds, take a dip in the pond, and share a short social hour at the end of the day.
Cost: $75
Capped at 16 participants.
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on August 16th (Rain date August 18th)
Location: Fielder Farm, 150 Fielder Rd., Huntington, VT 05462
Sign up here:[...]529
Mar 5, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 AM
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