Selectboard Meeting July 6 (Tuesday)

Past event
Jul 6, 2021, 7 to 10 PM

Town of Richmond Selectboard
TUESDAY July 6, 2021

Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT

Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Join by Phone:
+1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 821 3565 4604
Passcode: 772031

7:00 PM Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM I. Additions or Deletions to Agenda

7:05 PM II. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
a) Update on Bridge St. Construction at the railroad crossing (5 min)
b) Consideration of making an appointment to the Richmond Planning Commission* (5 min)
c) Consideration of approving the purchase of Tasers* (10 min)
d) Consideration of approving the purchase of a Tesla as the next police cruiser* (15 min)
e) Consideration of approving the loan for the Bridge St. Waterline Replacement Project* (5 min)
f) Consideration of approving the loan for the preliminary engineering report for the Gateway Sewer Expansion Project* (5 min)
g) Consideration of approving the fraud risk list* (5 min)
h) Consideration of approving updated FY22 tax rate form to place correct fiscal year on the form* (5 min)
i) Consideration of accepting the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF)* (5 min)
j) Consideration of approval of agreements for two Better Roads Grant* (5 min)
k) Consideration of setting a hearing date to consider the discontinuation Williams Hill Rd. from 1360 Williams Hill Rd. southward to the point where it intersects with Palmer Road and Beatty Lane* (20 min)
l) Consideration of approving a Memorandum of Understanding with UMIAK* (15 min)
m) Update on status of FY22 Unified Planning Work Program (5 min)
n) Review of park ordinance and discussion of including Overrockers in the ordinance (10 min)
o) Review of Memorandum of Understanding with Richmond Free Library (15 min)
p) Review of draft social media policy (10 min)
q) Discussion of designating a Selectboard member to attend a meeting regarding trail designs for the Andrews Community Forest (5 min)
r) Discussion of insert for tax bills (5 min)

9:35 PM III. Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders*
a) Minutes of 6/18/21
b) Minutes of 6/21/21
c) Minutes of 6/24/21
9:45 PM IV. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
9:55 PM V. Executive Session if necessary
10:00 PM VI. Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at

If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at

*Denotes Action Item

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