MRUUSD Community Conversation

Past event
Jun 21, 2021, 6:30 PM

You are invited to a MRUUSD Board Community Conversation Monday, June 21st at 6:30pm. Join fellow community members and members of the Board to ask things you might be wondering about, clear up misunderstandings and share concerns. The session will be about one hour long and all members of the Mill River Schools' Community are welcome.

There is no set theme or subject. We will do our best to answer questions brought and then share the information via the Mill River Schools' website. If we don't know an answer we will research the matter or connect you with someone who might have the information sought.

This is not a meeting for board members to undertake or propose any board action, and as such is not subject to Open Meeting Law. The intention is to share information publicly. Should attendance be too high so as to allow for fluid discussion, we will look to add additional discussion sessions.

Interested in joining? Please contact for the link!

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