Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 6:00pm
This is a Hybrid Meeting (In-person and Virtual)
Council Chambers in City Hall
Meeting ID: 958 5455 5619
Passcode: 992757
1. Call to Order – 6:00 p.m.
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Visitors and Communications
4. Executive Session:
A. Contracts
5. Adjourn
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 7:00pm
This is a Hybrid Meeting (In-person and Virtual)
Council Chambers in City Hall
Meeting ID: 958 5455 5619
Passcode: 992757
1. Call to Order – 7:00 p.m.
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting June 15, 2021
B. Approval of City Warrants from Week of Wednesday June 23, 2021
C. Clerk's Office Licenses and Permits
D. Acceptance of Donation from the Hollow Inn
E. Authorize Purchase of City Hall Alertus Security Software/Hardware (HR Administrator)
F. Selection of Re-Appraisal Contractor (Planning Director/Interim Assessor)
G. Ratify Manager's Execution FY22 Fuel Oil and Propane Contracts
H. Authorization to Award Contract for City Hall Heat Pumps
4. City Clerk & Treasurer Report
5. Liquor Control Board
6. City Manager's Report
7. Visitors and Communications
8. Old Business:
A. Review/Approved City Fee Schedule Changes (Clerk)
9. New Business
A. Council Approval of Property Tax Due Dates for FY22 (Clerk)
B. Award of Paving Bid (DPW Director)
C. Appointment of:
i. Alexander Raeburn to the Police Advisory Committee
ii. Heather Milne Ritchie to the Cemetery Committee
iii. Nancy Wolfe to the Recreation Committee
iv. Janelle Starr to the Recreation Committee
v. Michael Hellein to the Development Review Board
vi. Pete Fournier to the Development Review Board
D. Public Art Committee (Jeffrey Tuper-Giles)
E. Re-establishment of Organics Diversion Committee as Task Force
i. Appointment of Samn Stockwell to Task Force
F. Discuss Recommendations to Provide to the Planning Commission (Mayor)
G. City Of Barre FY22 Annual Appointments (Mayor)
10. Round Table
11. Executive Session – As Needed
12. Adjourn
Steven E. Mackenzie, P.E., City Manager
The portion of this meeting starting at 7:00pm will be taped for re-broadcast on Channel 192 CVTV and will be re-broadcast on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
CVTV Link for meetings online – cvtv723.org/
Until further notice, Committee and Board meetings may be held only via video (virtual) platforms. Check the City Web Site for Meeting Warnings, Agendas and log-in instructions.
Monday, June 21
Diversity and Equity Committee, 6pm, Virtual (ZOOM)
Tuesday, June 22
Animal and Fowl Task Force, 6pm, Virtual (ZOOM)
Thursday, June 24
Planning Commission, TBD (check the Agenda on the city website)
Mar 10, 2025, 6 PM
Select Board Meeting Tuesday - AgendaMar 11, 2025, 5 to 7:30 PM
LWV Lecture Series: Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns?Mar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM