Huge Yard Sale in Huntington Center

Past event
May 3, 2014

Never before worn warehouse clearance sale of name brand shoes and boots plus new studded running shoes, all priced at $20 (most in sizes Ladies 7.5 or mens 9 but also some other sizes), children's bikes, a set of dishes, a mini-fridge, collector’s Christmas ornaments, LP records, furniture…all of these and more will be on sale at the Yard Sale at the Community Church of Huntington Saturday, 9am-3pm. We will be having a huge sale and hope you’ll stop by on Green Up Day after cleaning up our town’s roads! Items are priced to move - we’re talking a bag of books for $1.00, a bag of clothing for $2.00, toys for 25 cents. Come shop, and happy Green Up Weekend. Questions contact Holly Stadtler, 434-3935.

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