Are you interested in the Future of the Route 7 Corridor? Then please don’t forget to mark your calendars and plan to attend the May 12 discussion of Form Based Zoning. The meeting, which will take place in Room 1 in the Shelburne municipal building, is set to begin at 7 PM.
The focus of the meeting (the 5th gathering of the project Steering Committee) will be the Draft REGULATING PLAN.
At the meeting the consulting team that's assisting the Town with the project will engage Steering Committee members in an important discussion. Topics of discussion will include key aspects of the draft Regulating Plan, such as:
• the planning goals for each Regulating Plan 'subdistrict,'
• 'frontage zones,'
• ground floor limitations (i.e. active commercial uses in specific areas),
• 'build-to' zones and occupancy, and
• general placement standards and street design.
As time allows the team may also discuss the ideas for a transfer of development rights (TDR) program, open space acquisition and funding program, and stormwater/LID standards.
It is important to note that after the meeting, Steering Committee members will have approximately one month to think about the Regulating Plan and provide follow up input.
The draft Form Based Zoning is on track to be available the week of June 12 (or sometime that week) along with a revised Regulating Plan.
If you have any questions, please email.
For those looking ahead, some key dates remaining in the project after May 12 include the following:
• Jun. 12, 2014, 7:00 PM Steering Committee Meeting #6 - FBC Draft
• Jun. 30, 2014, Daytime Working Group Meeting #3 - FBC Draft
• Jul.10, 2014, 7:00 PM Public Work Session #2 - Draft Form Based Code
• Jul. 14, 2014, 7:00 PM Steering Committee Meeting #6 - Review and Finalize FBC
• Jun. 28, 2013, Daytime Working Group Meeting #4 - Draft Final FBC and Report
• Aug. 13, 2014, 7:00 PM Selectboard/Planning Commission/Development Review Board Presentation
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