Pop-Up Plant Sale!

Past event
Jun 12, 2021, 2 to 4 PM

Perennial bulbs & bare roots*, sweet potato slips and Irish seed potatoes

- All plant sales are donation based - give what you can!
- All proceeds support the Vermont Community Garden Network (www.vcgn.org)
- Venmo highly preferred; cash also accepted.

* Perennial bulbs & bare roots include: astilbe, gladiolus, dahlia, begonia, caladium, lily and daylily, columbine, bluebells, geranium, swamp milkweed, trillium, ranunculus, anemone, iris, begonia, freesia, hyacinth

Saturday, June 12
2 - 4pm
115 Staniford Rd

If all these plants ended up in the hands of my neighbors... WOW, what a beautiful neighborhood we would have!!!

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