Dear Neighbors,
Please join us this Monday for our first City Council meeting for the month of June.
You can join us for the meeting via zoom:
Or phone: 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 898 4533 3925
Or via youtube:
Here is the link to sign up for public forum which begins at 7:30pm:
Following any climate emergency reports and two special outdoor one-day-only entertainment permits for Zero Gravity on June 12, we have 7 items on our deliberative agenda:
• Every year in June, the Mayor communicates his Mayoral appointments for the next fiscal year. The Council then votes on their approval.
• The appointment of Brian Pine as CEDO director not only created a vacancy on the City Council but also on the Board of Finance. We will vote to elect a new member of the Board of Finance Monday evening.
• We have two resolutions to vote on this Monday; one would rescind the City's COVID Emergency Order regarding wearing a face covering in retail stores and City buildings. The other is regarding the Chittenden County I-89 Study. Essentially, the resolution requests that the focus of the study be away from increasing capacity on I-89 and toward maximizing reductions in vehicle miles travelled and creating a safer and more equitable and more sustainable transportation system in Chittenden County.
• We will be voting to enact an ordinance regarding a tax rate increase in the generational tax rate we charge private haulers to pick up solid waste from Burlington residents. This rate assists the City in funding our recycling program.
• Each year, we have a presentation from Burlington Telecom. This is an opportunity get updated on BT operations and ask questions about their future plans and other developments.
• Our last item is a communication from the Chittenden County Solid Waste District. Each year, they present and ask for our approval of their annual budget.
The link to finding all these agenda items and supporting documents is:
As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input. This weekend is the start of JazzFest, another sign that the COVID cloud is dissipating with brighter times on the horizon. Here is the link to JazzFest events:
The sizzling temperatures are starting early this year. I hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend.
My best,
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8:15 PM
VT Flower ShowMar 7, 12 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025
Come from AwayMar 12, 7:30 PM to Mar 13, 2025