Public Feedback Meeting for LINK and Vergennes Transit

Past event
Jun 10, 2021, 10 to 11 AM

Tri-Valley Transit (TVT) invites public feedback on proposed changes to the LINK Express route to Burlington and the in-county Tri-Town Vergennes Shuttle. Weekday commuter runs on the LINK will transition from GMT to TVT buses and service will originate in Middlebury. Tri-Town Vergennes gains new stops and better in-town circulation for Little City residents, all without affecting trip frequency or length. These routes, and all TVT routes, will remain FARE-FREE at least through June 30, 2022. Proposed changes for both routes will take effect on July 1 and public feedback will be considered thru June 10th.

TVT has worked with GMT and CATMA to make the LINK transition as smooth as possible for existing riders. Most stop and departure times will remain the same except for morning southbound runs from Burlington. Public feedback will inform if there is sustaining ridership demand to bring back the second morning and evening commuter runs that were suspended during the pandemic.

Tri-Town Vergennes riders can familiarize themselves with new stop locations at Shaw's, Dollar General, Armory Lane and Hillside Drive and preview new alternating flow into and out of downtown Vergennes via Green Street and Monkton Road.

On June 10th TVT will host a virtual public meeting at 10:00am and then repeat the same content at 6:00pm for those who could not attend in the morning. The meeting link is posted to Tri-Valley Transit's website "News" or directly accessed via or by dialing in 408-650-3123, access code 149-986-237. Members of the public are also welcomed to provide feedback by June 10th via e-mail:, or regular mail: TVT, 297 Creek Road, Middlebury, VT 05753. LINK riders are also invited to provide schedule feedback through a brief (two-minute) survey

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