Want to start your garden early? Or extend it later in the fall? Kitty Werner, co-president of the Friends of the Hort farm and Master Gardener, will tell you when to start (January/February), supplies you will need to start early (plans, diagrams), when to warm your soil for early planting (March/April), and how to protect young plants when putting them outside (portable greenhouses). Along the way, Kitty will give you useful tips to help you keep those young plants growing, tell you household ingredients that help plants stave off pests, and show you ways to keep plants producing in cold weather.
This program will be presented on Zoom.
Members FREE Non-members $10
Please register in advance at: https://fhfvt.org/products-and-events/early-gardening
Speaker bio: Kitty is the co-president of the Friends of the Hort Farm and curator of the farm's lilac collection. She became an Extension Master Gardener in 2008, joined the Central Vermont chapter and arranged and attended yearly lilac pruning and care events in the Montpelier area as well as volunteered in the gardens (and lilacs) at the Shelburne Museum. She worked for the EMG program from 2015 – 2017. She has also been a newspaper editor, publisher, book designer, travel agent, and author. And she loves photography.
This talk is a program of the Friends of the Horticulture Farm (65 Green Mountain Dr., So. Burlington), a charitable organization dedicated to supporting the mission of UVM's Horticulture Research and Education Center in South Burlington.
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