The Kids Trade & Play clothing and gear exchange, at the Capital City Grange Hall, this Saturday, April 10th, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM.
This month, we are going to allow in up to 10 "shoppers" at a time. Sign up for a 30-minute slot at:
During your slot, you can select from the bins of sorted, clean, lightly-used kids clothes, in sizes from infant to Junior 10, plus games, gear and maternity clothes. We ask a $3.00 donation per family, no one will be turned away.
We also ask for people to shop alone if possible. We will be opening windows and setting up fans to provide clean air-flow. Masks will be required!
Capital City Grange is located on Rt. 12, just south of the I-89 overpass, 1 mile south of Montpelier.
For more info, see the Facebook page:
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