5:00 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Due to public health concerns over COVID-19, the Select Board is holding its meetings via Zoom for the foreseeable future. In order to listen to and participate in this public meeting, please see instructions below. ** If you encounter problems accessing the meeting, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 802-223-5915.
1. Call to order/amendments/welcoming guests
5:02 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING (Action likely on all the following items.)
2. Appointment of Select Board Chair. Consideration of Chair's voting status.
3. Adopting Roberts Rules of Order
4. Appointment of Select Board Vice-Chair
5. Designation of time and place for Select Board meetings
6. Designation of newspaper of record.
7. Appointment of Road Commissioner
8. (Re)appointments to the following town positions:
a) The Zoning Board of Adjustment – considering candidates to fill one vacancy.
b) Budget Committee – considering candidates to fill three vacancies until the March 2022 Town Meeting.
c) Emergency Management Coordinator
d) Fire Warden
g) Tree Warden
h) Wrightsville Beach Management Representative
i) Recreation Director
9. Appointing a Lister to fill a 3-year vacancy until the March 2022 Town Meeting.
10. Reappointing Phil Hyjek as Middlesex representative to the Central Vermont Internet Board and Lauri Scharf as alternate.
11. Accepting Anita Krauth's resignation from the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District and appointing a replacement.
12. Recommending that Elizabeth Fortman be appointed Assistant Health Officer.
5:45 Meeting with members of the Middlesex Volunteer Fire Department to discuss response to the February 24, 2021 fire at the United Methodist Church on Church Street. Action unlikely.
6:15 Meeting with Sandy Bettis to discuss the possibility of Middlesex offering cannabis retail-sale availability. No action.
6:45 Treasurer's Report – Action possible
7:00 Road Commissioner's Report – action possible
- Considering renewal of Red Hen's liquor license. Action likely.
- Approval of the March 2, 2021 Select Board minutes
- Correspondence
- Order
- Any other matter that may come before the Board.
7:45 Adjournment
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