Would You Like Someone to Pray with You?

Past event
Mar 10, 2021, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Post on behalf of Community Alliance Church...

* Outdoor Prayer Gathering *
Where: Front and side lawn of Community Alliance Church, 190 Pond Road, Hinesburg, VT.
When: Wednesday, March 10 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

As our community approaches the full-year mark of dealing with COVID-19 and its impact on our lives, many are feeling emotionally depleted and isolated, struggling to see any light on the horizon. Others are battling an even darker hopelessness or despair. With few social outlets and in-person support systems available right now, it's difficult to know where to go for support.

If you find yourself carrying the heavy burdens of this time and could use someone to walk beside you in support, we at Community Alliance Church invite you to join us this Wednesday, March 10, from 6:30pm-7:30pm, for the first in a series of outdoor prayer gatherings. Anyone in need of prayer is welcome to stop by, warm up by a bonfire and grab a cup of hot coffee or cocoa while someone prays with you. Families are welcome. Whatever information you would like to share is completely up to you - you needn't even share your real name. If you can't make it or prefer not to attend in-person, we invite you to send your prayer request to: prayerrequest@hinesburgcma.org, or, Community Alliance Church, P.O. Box 582, Hinesburg, VT 05461, attn: Prayer Request. We will use this time on Wednesday to pray for Hinesburg and any requests that we receive.

P.S. - Please be sure to wear your masks to ensure everyone's safety. If you feel unwell, please send your request via email or mail.

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