The Planning Commission is calling on all community members interested in the following areas to attend next week's Planning Commission meeting and provide feedback on its work plan:
- Pleasant St
- Church St
- Esplanade
- Tilden Ave
- Baker St
- Brown's Ct
- Burnett Ct
- Lemroy Ct
The Planning Commission is specifically looking for feedback on the following topics:
- Permitting Process
- Appearance and Aesthetics of the Village
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
- Housing Density and Diversity
- Effects of building form and uses in the surrounding area
This meeting was originally scheduled for January 6th, but has been rescheduled for March 3rd at 7 pm. Here is the Zoom meeting information for next week's Planning Commission meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 1987 4605
Call in: (929) 205-6099
The meeting agenda is as follows:
1. Welcome and troubleshooting
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Public Comment for non-agenda items
4. Planning Commission Community Outreach: Village residential neighborhoods, currently zoned as High Density Residential District (Pleasant St, Church St, Esplanade, Tilden Ave, Baker St, Brown's Ct, Burnett Ct, Lemroy Ct)
5. Other Business, Correspondence, and Adjournment
Additional information about the Planning Commission's current work plan--including Town Plan goals and discussion questions--can be found on the Town website:
If you would like to participate but are unable to attend the meeting, you can provide your comments via this Google Form: All comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission every week.
If you have any questions, please contact Town Planner Ravi Venkataraman at or at 802-434-2430.
Thank you!
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Planning Commission MeetingMar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 9:30 PM
The Many Meanings of MapleMar 12, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM