VHC/BML Lecture Explores Female Husbands & Their Wives

Past event
Feb 3, 2021, 7 PM

Some people, designated female at birth, transcended gender and lived as men in the 18th and 19th centuries, despite tremendous risk of violence. Amherst College History professor Jen Manion provides examples of such people and the women they married. Press reports about these relationships exposed dynamic, contested, and varied stories of love, courage and loss.

The First Wednesday Lecture series, a collaboration between the Vermont Humanities Council and Vermont public libraries will be delivered via ZOOM. The virtual talk will be presented at 7pm Wednesday, February 3rd, with recordings of the event subsequently available on the VHC Facebook and YouTube channel. Register for the live event, which includes an opportunity for questions and answers by attendees, at https://vthumanities.wufoo.com/forms/register-for-brattleboro-first-wednesdays/

The Vermont Humanities Council's First Wednesdays series is held every month from October through May in nine communities statewide, featuring speakers of national and regional renown. The statewide underwriter for the First Wednesdays 2020-2012 series is the Institute of Museum & Library Services through the Vermont Department of Libraries. The Brooks Memorial Library programs are sponsored by the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library https://friendsofbrookslibraryvt.org/ . February's program is underwritten by The Samara Fund of the Vermont Humanities Council For more information, contact Brooks Memorial Library at 802.254.5290 or visit www.brookslibraryvt.org.

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