Hello Neighbors-
Surveys say, Worcester residents want to connect! What does that look like to YOU? Elaine Ball and I have been taking turns hosting the Community Chatline and we need your help. Do you have a special interest, hobby, or skill you would like to talk about with your neighbors? Is there a business or town function in Worcester you'd like to know more about? Are you the owner of a local business you'd like to let people know about? Perhaps you'd like to learn more about our local history, or you have some Worcester history of your own you'd like to share? Keep your eye out here for future scheduled topics based on your suggestions.
If there are any topics you'd like to talk with others about on Mondays at 10am, email worcester-neighbor-network@googlegroups.com. Better, yet, join me, Nancy Gore, this coming Monday, January 25th at 10am and tell me all about it!
Join the chatroom using the web browser on your computer or smartphone by going to https://meet.jit.si/worcestervt
Or, you can use your phone to call +1.512.647.1431 and enter this PIN: 3124 6633 19#
For more info about the Chatline and WNN please visit
Jan 30, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
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