The Red Scare in VT

Past event
Jan 11, 2021, 1:30 to 2:30 PM

On January 11 at 1:30 PM the CSC and the Richmond Historical Society co-host author Rick Winston for his on-line presentation that reveals how a Vermont senator helped defuse nationwide hysteria known as the Red Scare, and discredit those who stoked it.

In the late 1940s and early 50s, Senator Joseph McCarthy led investigations into purported communist infiltration of U.S. government agencies. His hearings inflamed a national fear of communism that became known as the Red Scare. McCarthy's indiscriminate and unsubstantiated allegations also targeted the film industry, and his Hollywood "blacklist" ended many careers.

Vermont Senator Ralph Flanders denounced McCarthy's baseless accusations and methods in a fiery speech in the Senate in March of 1954. He also introduced a resolution that led to McCarthy's censure by the Senate.

Rick Winston's presentation also reveals other aspects of Vermont history during this dark period, including a high-profile academic firing, and controversies involving left-leaning summer residents.
Contact for the link.

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