Materials for Jan. 6 DRB Meeting

Past event
Jan 6, 2021, 7 to 9 PM

Greetings, and Happy New Year.

The materials for next week's DRB meeting are now available online as PDF files. The link to access the files is:

The agenda for the meeting has the board reviewing three projects during the meeting:
- Construction of a vehicle storage facility (Northside Drive),
- Reconstruction of a portion of a conforming building that will house a veterinary office/mail order business/ and other uses (Webster Road), and
- Development of a PUD-R in the Rural district, with merger of certain land with an adjoining PUD. (Thomas Road)

The meeting will be conducted remotely using the Zoom online platform.

To participate in meeting by computer:
Browse to
Meeting ID: 852 3816 8220 Passcode: 0C0PYt

To participate in the meeting by telephone:
Dial 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 852 3816 8220 Password: 424410

Please contact the Planning and Zoning office should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

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