WCUUSD - Wednesday BUDGET MEETING, Virtual

Past event
Dec 2, 2020, 6 to 9 PM

WCUUSD - Washington Central Unified Union School District

Agenda 12.2.2020 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Budget Community Forum 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Board Meeting 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Virtual Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 921 1531 6948
Password: 016334
Dial by Your Location: 1- 929- 205- 6099

1. Call to Order - 4 minutes

Budget presentation can be found at:

2. Budget Community Forum – Presentation – 15 minutes
2.1. Public Feedback 45 minutes

Board Packet can be found at:

3. Welcome 10 minutes
3.1. Reception of Guests
3.2. Agenda Revisions

4. Reports (Discussion/Action) 60 minutes
4.1. Student Reports
4.2. Superintendent 4.2.1. COVID – Update
4.2.2. Projected Student Enrollment – pg. 18
4.3. Finance Committee
4.3.1. Curriculum Review Bid (Discussion/Action) – pg. 21

5. Consent Agenda (Action) 10 minutes
5.1. Approve Minutes of 11.18.20 – pg. 49
5.2. Approve Board Orders
5.3. Approve Central Office Job Descriptions – pg. 54

6. Personnel (Action) 10 minutes
6.1. Approve New Teachers, Resignations, Retirements, Leave of Absence and Changes in FTE – pg. 72

7. Public Comments 20 minutes

8. Executive Session to discuss Legal, Negotiations, Personnel and Superintendent 30 minutes Evaluation

9. Future Agenda Items
9.1. WCUUSD Name
9.2. Assessment Needs from Building Bright Futures
9.3. Diversifying Educator Work Force

10. Adjourn

Open Meeting Law temporary changes as of 3/30/20: Boards are not required to designate a physical meeting location. Board members and staff are not required to be present at a designated meeting location. Our building will not be open for meetings. All are welcome to attend virtually. Berlin East Montpelier Calais Middlesex Worcester U- 32 1

Calais Board Members:
Kari Bradley
Dorothy Naylor
Scott Thompson

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