Sustainable Economy with Tom Wessels

Past event
Oct 28, 2020, 7 PM

Tom Wessels Virtual Talk: Self-organization: The Key to a Sustainable Economy

Tom says: At some point in time, our current economic system will fail us since it runs absolutely counter to basic scientific laws such as the Law of Limits to Growth, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and its relationship to entropy, and the Principle of Self-organization. I will focus on the principle of self-organization and how it works in the natural world to create incredibly diverse ecosystems that are energy efficient and resilient due to the robust network of mutually beneficial interrelationships that form between species. I will then apply this principle to our current economic system to show how it works in just the opposite fashion, and as such is terribly energy wasteful. As a result, it is the major contributer to global environmental degradation.

Tom Wessels is terrestrial ecologist and Professor Emeritus at Antioch University where he founded the Masters Degree program in Conservation Biology. He has written "Reading the Forested Landscape," which sets the standard for understanding the history of northeastern woodlands. Later Tom wrote "The Myth of Progress" that deals more directly with sustainability and needed change. Tom also has conducted programs and workshops on ecology and sustainability throughout the United States for over three decades.

To pre-register for Tom Wessell's presentation visit:

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