Homelessness Awareness Day Camp Out

Past event
Oct 10, 5 PM to 10 AM, Oct 11, 2020

This Saturday, October 10th, is World Homelessness Awareness Day.

Did you know that over 60 households (made up of more than 80 people, including children) are experiencing homelessness in Lamoille County?

The Lamoille Community House is organizing a series of events to raise funds in order to operate at an increased capacity of 24/7 this winter. Because of covid19, it is imperative we have our doors open, all day and night, to keep folks safe from both the cold and this deadly virus.

So, what is next in our series of events? A camp out and peer-led fundraiser! This Saturday, if you chose to, you can camp out in your backyard or anywhere that's safe. In the days leading to the event, you can create your own personal fundraiser for friends and family to donate to and spread the word about what you're doing to help. We will have a prize for our biggest funder, and we hope that with a peer-led model, many folks can participate at one capacity or another.

Simply go to runsignup.com/lchraisetheroof to sign up and create your own fundraiser. When you create your own fundraiser, you can make a personal URL for the fundraiser that you can share with friends and family so their donations are counted under your fundraiser. Fun, right?!

You do not HAVE to camp out to participate. Safety is important, and we don't want anyone doing anything that doesn't feel safe. If you don't have the proper gear or a safe location to camp out and do not feel safe, then sleep indoors and reflect on how it might be for someone who is camping out or sleeping in a car because they have no where else to sleep. Be thankful.

This is a fun way for you to make an impact as an individual, join us!
Any questions? Send me an email, I'll be happy to answer them. :)

And thank you, we can't do this work without the support of our neighbors!

Links: runsignup.com/lchraisetheroof
facebook event to share and rsvp to :https://www.facebook.com/events/631721874196396

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