The St. Thomas Church has generously agreed to let us have the Halloween Trunk or Treat in their parking lot. It should be a lot of fun, and we thank the wonderful people at St. Thomas for this opportunity!
How it will work: There will be cars parked strategically in the parking lot, trunks open, with people dispensing candy and treats.
Who it's for: Well, anybody! But we are doing this especially for the kids, so that they can have a memorable Halloween despite the difficulties they've had to face this year during the pandemic. Anybody can participate.
What we need: We need some altruistic people who have cars and would enjoy handing out candy. Please contact me if you would like to do this. It would be even more fun if you could come in costume. Just keep in mind, it's a Vermont Halloween, so it'll probably be cold.
I will be posting more information about the event as we nail things down.
We will be practicing responsible social distancing guidelines; masks are required, and we ask that people stay 6 feet apart from those who aren't in their household.
Thanks again to the wonderful people of the St. Thomas Church, and thanks in advance to those who would like to help!
Mar 6, 2025, 8 to 10 AM
More Energy, Ease, & Effective Goal Setting ✅Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Stowe Arts and Culture Council MeetingMar 12, 2025, 9 to 10 AM