"The Hate U Give" Vermont Reads Discussion Online

Past event
Sep 20, 2020, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

The Springfield UU Meetinghouse is participating in reading and discussing the VT Reads again choice this year. "The Hate U Give" (THUG), Angie Thoma's first novel and a Young Adult bestseller, is about a teenage girl who grapples with racism, police brutality, and activism after seeing her black friend murdered by the police. Join us on Sunday, September 220 via Zoom at 11:30 am. Zoom link:: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6130779853?pwd=bkc2cUltQlhYUU5YME1aaHlNTGtJdz09

Free, all welcome. Co-sponsored by the Springfield Town Library and Vermont Humanities.

Contact uuspringfieldvt@gmail.com.

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