You may have seen the article on Emerald Ash Borer in the latest edition of the Signpost. To clarify one item, the invasive insect has not yet been identified in East Montpelier town; however, it has been found nearby in Montpelier and Plainfield. White ash is common in our forests and along our roads, and the Town's Resilient Roads Committee has been working closely with the State's Urban & Community Forestry Program for two years on how to address the expected damage the insect will cause to roadside ash trees. We are completing proactive ash tree removal this fall on Gallison Hill, Wheeler and Schoolhouse roads and are planning continued tree removal along Dodge and Johnson roads. The latter work would be done by our road crew on an ongoing basis when time is available. Following state statute, Paul Cate, our Town Tree Warden, will be conducting a hearing via the Internet on Tuesday, September 15 to receive public input before making a decision on whether this project will go forward as planned. Just before the hearing, Paul will host a public informational meeting, starting at 6:30 p.m., to provide general information about ash trees and the Emerald Ash Borer threat. All who are interested in this issue are encouraged to attend and join in the discussion. Paul may also hold a field workshop the following Saturday if there is sufficient interest. COVID-19 guidance will apply. Please email me if you would like to attend such a workshop, and we will notify you if it is scheduled. More information can be found on the Town website at
Mar 6, 2025, 7 PM
Growing Resilience: Date Change, Now Starts Feb 1!Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM
March 12 Panel: Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns CaseMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM