House Plant Sale - Whittier St Sunday

Past event
Sep 6, 2020, 2 to 4 PM

Sunday afternoon 2pm - 4pm --- 8 Whittier Street, Montpelier.

I have quite a collection of houseplants, many I've had for many years, a few even 30-40 years. They are all in excellent health. they've been repotted either earlier this summer, or last weekend. Most have gotten too big for the house and hard for me to carry and take care of. They've spent the summer on the porch, turning dark green from all the light and fresh air. Now it's time to find new homes with folks that love plants and know how to take care of them.

mature spider plants, clivia miniata, night blooming cereus, orchid cactus, mature pothos, several kinds of philadendron, large boston fern, mother-in-law plant, peace lily, large spotted red begonia, prayer plant, wax plant, streptocarpus, some nameless ones, and a few smaller ones too that would make great starter plants.

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