Public Hearing Announcement: City of Winooski Charter Amendments
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 6 PM - Virtual Meeting
A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 6 PM during the scheduled remote City Council meeting regarding the proposed amendments to the City Charter. The City is considering charter amendments that would:
• Allow all legal residents of the City (including those who are not U.S. citizens) to vote in City and school elections and meetings, provide certain protections to the voter checklists maintained by the City Clerk, and to make other conforming amendments.
• Permit voters to adopt Charter amendments that have been approved by the Vermont Legislature for other municipalities.
• Conform the Charter to state law requirements for signing petitions.
• Remove language referring to volunteer firefighters.
• Permit the City Manager to give to the staff person performing human resource functions the title of "Human Resource Director".
• Amend the provision relating to the tax assessment of commercial properties to conform to current practice.
• Modify the Oath of Office language to eliminate religious references.
An official copy of the proposals is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office (27 West Allen Street.) The Office is open to the public from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. Copies will be made available upon request, please call 802 655 6410 x3. To view these changes and for additional information about this process, please visit
Please note, all public meetings are currently being held remotely. Click here to sign up for our news updates and meeting warnings for meeting details and attendance instructions:
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