The next Burnham Library Used Book Sale will take place on Saturday the 22nd as long as there is no rain early in the morning. Future planned dates are August 29th and September 12th. Visit the Library front lawn from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and discover some interesting reads!
The center table is "Featured" which holds both sets and series, or books from unique categories. The sets this week include Nancy Drew, Yoga, and Quilt Mysteries as well as beautiful individual "coffee table" books. Both the Fiction and Non-Fiction tables continue to grow.
About safety: As you know, face masks and social distance are required, and we provide hand sanitizer. All books have been cleaned and quarantined.
About donations: We cannot accept any more small paperbacks and please do not donate textbooks, manuals or toys. Please bring your donations on Monday and Wednesday mornings and leave them in the bin outside the front entrance. You may also bring them on Saturday during the sale, but they will not be for sale until next week. Please let us know if you would like a tax receipt.
About volunteering: We need your help to continue offering these sales. Please talk to us on Saturday, or email the Library at (using BOOK SALE in the subject line).
We look forward to seeing you (weather permitting) on Saturday…
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