Underhill Conservation Commission
June 8, 2020
6:30 P.M.
1. Welcome 6:30
2. Public Comment 6:31
3. Approval 6/03/2020 Special meeting minutes 6:32
4. Plant Sale Discussion 6:35
i. Farmers Market Observations
ii. Preorder
iii. Decisions and Next steps 6:45
5. Crane Brook Conservation District 6:50
i. Trail signage
ii. Use of trails guidelines
iii. Kiosks (Recreation Committee)
iv. Japanese Knotweed monitoring
v. Next Steps
6. Adjourn 7:30
LINK to Meeting: https://tiny.cc/uccmtg
Dial-in: (US) +1 208-606-0571 PIN: 511 610 786#
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