WSD Regular School Board Meeting - May 13

Past event
May 13, 2020, 6:30 to 8 PM

Winooski School Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
Zoom Meeting Information:
Join by Phone: +1 301 715 8592

All students will graduate from the Winooski School District (WSD) college and career ready at a cost supported by a majority of the Winooski community. WSD students will lead healthy, productive and successful lives and engage with their local and global community.

Call to Order/Pledge of allegiance/Mindfulness: (5 Minutes)

Agenda Review and Adjustments: (5 Minutes)

Public Comments: (5 Minutes)

Consent Agenda: (5 Minutes)
Minutes of Meetings:
Regular Meeting: April 8, 2020
Capital Project Executive Committee: April 8, 2020
Policy Title: 2.3 Financial Condition and Activities
Approval of Bills
Policy Title: 2.7 Compensation and Benefits
Approval of Contracts
Patrick Cafferky- Elementary Teacher (1.0 FTE)
Stephanie Beland- Elementary Teacher (1.0 FTE)
Paul Pagnucco- WMHS Speech Language Pathologist (1.0 FTE)
Policy Title 2.8 Communication and Support to the Board
Superintendent Report

Executive Limitations (Policy Section II): (20 Minutes)
Policy Title: 2.1 Treatment of Students, Parents/Guardians and Community
Discussion: End-of-Year Activities
WHS 2020 Graduation Ceremony
Other: Transitions (Kindergarten, Grade 5 to 6, Grade 8 to 9), Staff Recognition
Policy Title: 2.3 Financial Condition and Activities
Discussion: Implications of COVID-19
Policy Title 2.6: Asset Protection
Discussion/Approval: Award of Construction Contract

Ends Monitoring (Policy Section I): (20 Minutes)
Policy Title 1.0 Ends Statement
Review/Discussion ENDS Statement:

Governance Processes (Policy Section IV): (30 Minutes)
Policy Title: 4.1 Governing Style
Discussion/Approval Board Monitoring Report
Policy Title: 4.1.4 Governing Style:
Student Report to the Board
Policy Title: 4.2 Board Job Description
Discussion/Approval Board Monitoring Report
Policy Title: 4.4 Board Linkage with Ownership
Discussion/Approval Board Monitoring Report

Community Engagement (Policy 4.2.1): (10 Minutes)
Discussion: Recent Community Activities by Board

Next Agenda: (5 Minutes)

Upcoming Important Dates:
Capital Project Executive Committee: June 10, 2020
Regular Board Meeting: June 10, 2020

Executive Session:
Possible Action Executive Session:

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