The Westminster Selectboard has postponed the Special Town Meeting, originally slated for May 2, until 10 a.m., Saturday, June 6, at the Bellows Falls Union High School. At the meeting, Westminster voters will vote on adopting a town budget for FY21, which was voted down at the February 29 Town Meeting.
By postponing the special meeting, the board hopes that Covid-19 restrictions will be eased sufficiently to allow an in-person meeting, even if it must be held outside, with proper social distancing and protective gear. Meeting, debating, and voting by tele-conference could discourage many people from participating.
At the special meeting, voters will weigh on an FY21 budget of $2,102,411 that now includes $15,000 for financial consulting.
The amount of revenue to be raised by taxes was reduced by $100,000 allocated from a budget surplus in FY19.
Town residents will also vote on three other articles allocating that budget surplus:
- $170,000 to complete renovation of the Town Hall.
- Funding the new Contingency Reserve Fund, with $100,000 for working capital and $150,000 for non-recurring emergencies, for a total of $250,000.
- $30,000 for the Bridge Rehabiliation Fund, to rebuild and preserve town bridges.
For more information, go to the Town Clerk's page on the Westminster website:
Mar 8, 2025, 5 to 7:30 PM
Early Education Services Playgroup in TownshendMar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
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