The Radical Forest Manager

Past event
Apr 22, 2020, 7 to 8:30 PM

This Earth Day, join 350VT for a webinar presentation by Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester called "The Radical Forest Manager."

Forests in Vermont frame and enrich our lives, making our state a beautiful place to live while also providing many critical services: cleaning our air and water, providing habitat for wildlife, sequestering and storing carbon and much more. In a changing climate, forests are both an asset – helping slow and mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing the carbon we emit – and under threat. At the same time, climate change, resource extraction and environmental degradation threatens peoples and environments worldwide. While some of these problems may seem remote, is it possible that Vermont's forests have a broader role to play in crafting a just and sustainable world?

This presentation will focus on the role that forests and forest management play in our past, present and future with an eye on social and environmental justice in Vermont and across the globe. Tapper will discuss how responsible, ecological forest management can help forests mitigate the effects of climate change while being resilient and adaptable to the stressors posed by a changing climate.
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