MARCH 12, 2020
7:00 P.M.
7:00 Changes to agenda
7:01 Reorganization
• Elect Chair
• Elect Vice Chair
• Set regular meeting schedule
• Designate newspaper for legal notices
7:05 Public comment (items not on the agenda)
7:10 Minutes
• February 13, 2020
7:15 Highway Department
• Road Schedule
• Excess Weight Permit(s)
7:25 Discussion
• Appointing a real estate agent for the 1705 VT Route 128 (Pigeon) property project
• Annual appointments of various town offices with terms that expired
• Request for approval of name for new private road off Westford Milton Road
• Request to partially close White Church Lane on May 2 for the May Day Festival
• Work on draft RFP for trash and collection services
• Option to improve wireless connection at town office for usage by boards and committees during meetings
• Correspondence
• Communication
8:20 Treasurer
• Accounts payable & payroll warrants
8:30 Adjourn
Please note the times listed above are approximate.
The next regular Selectboard Meeting will be held on March 26, 2020.
Any individual who believes that they need a reasonable accommodation may submit a request to the Town Clerk. The Town will assess whether the request for reasonable accommodation is necessary to make the Town service, program, or activity available to an individual with a disability; whether there is an alternative accommodation which may provide an equivalent level of access and/or benefit; whether the requested reasonable accommodation would impose an undue financial or administrative burden; or whether the requested reasonable accommodation would require a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Town service, program or activity.
Dec 17, 2024, 6 PM
Read to WyattDec 18, 2024, 3 to 4:30 PM
Soup, Bread & Ale at the Sinclair InnDec 20, 2024, 5 to 7 PM