Starksboro Sugar on Snow Party and Spring Community Forum
Come on out, spend a spring Saturday in Starksboro Village, and tap into your local community!
Who you'll see?
Local artisans, farmers, businesses and makers selling their goods
Community government committees
Local organizations and non-profits
Starksboro Cooperative Preschool Open House
Local musicians
What: lunch & sugar on snow, music, goods for sale, maple syrup for sale, big trucks brought to you by the fire department and town highway department.
Where you'll hang out: Starksboro village's historic buildings: The Village Meetinghouse, the historic town hall and public library, and the Baptist church.
When you'll want to come: Saturday, March 21. Events start at 11:00am and run through 5:30pm.
How much? Free! (well, except for the goods the local artisans and vendors will be selling). Donations gladly accepted.
Why you'll want to do it: Because it's going to be great fun. All donations will benefit the Starksboro Village Meetinghouse and other community organizations.
Mark your calendar and keep your eyes peeled for further details!
Mar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Development Review Board - Public NoticeMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM
LEGO Free PlayMar 15, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM