Winter Tree Identification Walk

Past event
Feb 29, 2020, 9:30 to 11 AM

Winter Tree Identification Walk
Marli Rabinowitz's, WRWA's outgoing President, property in Guilford.

Saturday, February 29, (snow/rain date March 7), 9:30–11 a.m.

Space is limited to 25 people; call or email ahead of time: 254-8325 or

Windham County Forester Sam Schneski will lead us on a Winter Tree Identification walk through field and forest. Learn to identify trees by their twigs, buds, bark, and other features that remain in winter when most have lost their leaves. Many common Windham County species will be seen, as well as a variety of invasive species, and some less seen but useful trees such as hawthorn, witch hazel, butternut, and black walnut. This program is good for those who can tell "if it's a pine tree or not," but it will also help those who want tips on more subtle features that characterize and differentiate similar species, and other tree lore.

We will have hot cider and soup afterwards, and then if you like, you can walk down to view the Green River dam and covered bridge, or ski/snowshoe on miles of trails.

Directions to 1428 Stage Road, Guilford:

From Exit 1, take Route 5 South to the Guilford Country Store, and turn RIGHT onto Guilford Center Road. Go 4 ½ miles and through Guilford Center. Turn RIGHT onto Stage Road for 1½ miles. Turn into driveway (it will be marked) after bank of mailboxes. Don't head downhill! Call if there is any question about weather.

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