Advanced Care Planning Workshop Feb. 20

Past event
Feb 20, 2020

Advance Care Planning: It's Always too Soon…Until it's too Late

Thursday, February 20 at 6:30; Maple Corner Community Center

It always seems too soon until it's too late. An accident, injury or serious illness can happen to anyone at any time. Do your loved ones know your health care values and priorities? Preparing in advance for how you want to be cared for at the end of life minimizes conflict and uncertainty about medical decisions that may arise. Advance care planning is a process to help a person, in advance of injury, serious illness or catastrophic event, think about and plan for future medical decisions at a time when they are unable to speak for themselves.

This workshop will provide an overview of medical decision-making, clarify the tools available in Vermont to document health decisions and discuss the importance of planning in advance of critical illness or health emergency. Led by Cindy Bruzzese, Executive Director of the Vermont Ethics Network. Come learn about advance care planning and leave motivated to do or to update your advance directive.

Free and open to the public. Questions, contact Nel Emlen, 229-4919 or

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