Next Year's School Budget Takes Shape

Past event
Dec 11, 2019, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Over the last couple of weeks the Washington Central district board has received two versions of the administration's first draft budget.

Version #1 is the so-called "level-service" budget. This is what it would cost us next year to do no more nor less than what we're doing this year. The natural upward drift of costs is in the neighborhood of 5%. BUT: we got lucky. One of U-32's bonds matures this year. On a one-time basis it helps bring down the tax impact of version #1 to an increase of 2.77%.

Version #1A is the administration's "here's what we actually need" budget. It adds a little over 2% more to the bottom-line increase, for a net +4.83%.

On 12/4 our Berlin colleague and finance committee co-chair Vera Frazier asked for a third version that would target a net 3.5% increase, which the administration will prepare in the meantime.

On 12/11 at 6:30 pm we're holding a budget forum at U-32 (right on the heels of the 5:30 pm superintendent search forum — come for both and get two juicy bites at the school board apple).

Now is the best time to weigh in, ask questions, offer ideas, and participate meaningfully in informing the board's decisions. You'll get to hear us explain why we're leaning one way or another and to challenge us if you think we're on the wrong track. With each passing week the budget will harden further until early January, by which time it's pretty much set in concrete.

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