Yuletide Concert & Carol Sing-A-Long

Past event
Dec 6, 2019, 7 PM

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church welcomes all to the annual Yuletide Concert at 7 PM on Friday, December 6th.

The church is located at 273 VT Route 15 in Jericho near the junction with Brown's Trace and across from Clark's Truck Center.
Admission is free, while donations of cash and/or food are greatly appreciated to benefit The Jericho-Underhill Ecumenical Ministries Food Shelf that is active in our communities.

Parking is free on site and the church is handicap accessible. Children are welcome to sit up front to watch the musicians or to enjoy the corner rocking chairs.

The featured ensembles include:
Cauld Wind: An ensemble of Scottish Small Pipers, whistle and a Bodhran from Vermont and Canada. The Scottish Small pipes are the smaller, quieter offspring of the great Highland bagpipes and are designed for indoor listening. Their music is primarily traditional Scottish tunes.

Canticle: Canticle, meaning "hymn or song of praise," is an ensemble convened by Pastor Arnold to sing songs of rich harmonies from different folk and ethnic traditions.

Good Shepherd Contemporary Praise Band: The Good Shepherd Praise Band is a group of musicians from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church established in 2010 to lead a contemporary worship service which is offered about four times a year. The group includes vocals, piano, guitar, bass, and drums. They have been a regular at the Benefit Christmas Concert held at Good Shepherd.

Shimmering Flutes Ensemble – Two musicians from Good Shepherd will perform The Cradle Song from Bach's Christmas Oratorio, and two favorite Christmas Carols.

Visit https://goodshepherdjericho.org/bethlehem-simulcast-service/ for more information about the concert and coming Advent and Christmas services at Good Shepherd in December.

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