Art & Appetizers: DIY Classes at the Arnold Block

Past event
Nov 21, 2019

The Arnold Block in Bethel,VT is pleased to announce Art & Appetizers, an exciting series of art and craft classes beginning in November and running through the end of February.

Art & Appetizers offers 13 different classes taught by 9 artists over 17 weeks. Classes will explore many different media and art forms, including painting, stained glass, wet and needle felting, hand-lettering, wreath-making, jewelry-making, wool spinning, and mosaics. All classes are on Thursday evenings, start at 6 pm, vary in length and price, and include all materials (unless otherwise stated on the website). Go to for full details and to register. Preregistration is required.

You can take Art & Appetizers classes on your own, with a friend, or with lots of friends. Each class is intended to be a self-contained "art party," so bring a drink, roll up your sleeves, nosh on the delicious appetizers provided, and get ready to laugh and have some creative fun!

Sign up today for one of these great classes:

Nov. 21: Hand-Painted Wineglasses: Tree

Dec. 5: Ephemera Jewelry + Keepsake Ornaments

Dec. 12: Holiday Wreaths, Naturally

Dec. 19: Forming Inspiration: Intro to Shape-Lettering

Jan. 2: Drop Spindle Spinning for Beginners

Jan. 16: Wet Felting: Make a Wool Hat without Knitting

Jan. 23: Spindle Spinning 2: Plying and Color Play

Jan. 30: The heART of Hand Lettering

Feb. 6: Leather & Wood Earrings

Feb. 20: Mosaic Jewelry Dayna Sabatino

Feb. 27: Hand-Painted Wineglasses: Confetti

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