Copley Hosting Public Flu Shot Clinics

Past event
Nov 18, 2019, 9 to 11 AM

Copley Hospital is offering public flu vaccine clinics for adults beginning November 18. There are many reasons why you should get the flu vaccine, the most important being that it not only protects you, it protects those around you. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people get vaccinated before the flu begins spreading in their community. Generally, flu season in the United States runs from October to May, with peak season between December and March. When getting your vaccine, keep in mind that it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to protect against flu to develop in your body.

If you have insurance, bring your insurance card so we can bill accordingly. Cash/checks accepted for those without insurance $41 & $101 (65+ dose).

Learn more here:[...]cs/

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