Camping equipment lightly used including Kelty Dolomite 4 person tent, plus inflatable sleeping pads and 2 burner Coleman propane stove. Large Igloo cooler.
3.3HP Mercury 2 stroke outboard with low hours of usage. Life Jackets in carry cases.
Trek 7000 mountain bike used solely on paved and/or dirt roads and paths like Stowe Rec Path and Rail Trail paths. Bike helmets.
Pair of Tubbs Snowshoes.
2 Adirondack chairs in good condition made of solid cherry wood.
Picnic Table made of pressure treated lumber.
Folding outdoor lawn chairs, beach chairs (Tommy Bahama).
Spreader to tow behind lawn tractor for seeding, fertilizing and aerating lawn.
Power tools by DeWalt and Skil.
Kitchen and houseware items and more.
Mar 2, 2025, 11 AM to 12:45 PM
Lamoille Legislative Breakfast- Join the Conversation!Mar 3, 2025, 8 to 9:30 AM
Invitation to Receive Ashes, Pray, BreatheMar 5, 2025, 7 to 8 PM