Charlotte Senior Center Senior Lunch, Oct. 2

Past event
Oct 2, 2019, 12 to 1 PM

The Charlotte Senior Center will be serving Senior lunch at the Charlotte Senior Center at noon on Wednesday, October 2nd. Lunch will include Crispy cinnamon chicken, Roast potatoes, Steamed broccoli, bread, beverages and Homemade birthday cake & ice cream. Please call 425-6345 for a reservation. A $5.00 donation would be greatly appreciated. Activities at the Charlotte Senior Center are open to citizens from neighboring communities. Reminder: If you want a reminder on what we'll be serving and when, our website has the info:

Wednesday's potatoes come from the Salvation Farms. The theme of this fine organization is "Building increased resilience in Vermont's food system through agricultural surplus management." They glean excess crops from Vermont fields, provide work-readiness training in processing the gleaned food for individuals with barriers to employment, and supply food for public programs.

Go to the Salvation Farms website and learn about what they do and sign up for their benefit concert at ArtsRiot on November 1:

At 1 p.m. you are invited to hear John Hammer describe a flat Netherlands cycle-barge trip along the Dutch Coast. He'll also briefly discuss visits to Brugge, Amsterdam and Brussels, with cycling in between, of course. Included are a few recommendations for museum going.

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